Helping you raise a personal grievance for unfair treatment.
"For the last two years it seems like the only reason folks are getting the sack is 'cos of the Cov!"
There is a process involved in raising a personal grievance. In the case of anyone falling under the Covid-19 PHO (Vaccinations) Order or amendments it would be almost impossible to raise a grievance against the employer, because the employers were forced by legislation to dismiss - that is their defence. Those cases are for the lawyers who are representing whole groups of mandated employees.
We can consider grievances against private companies who have dismissed their employees under their own Vaccination Policies however. Grievances can only be based on a limited number of causes (known as 'causes of action') applying to the Covid-19 dismissals, per the Employment Relations Act (s103):
103 Personal grievance
Note that (c) above depends upon section 28(3) of the Human Rights Act:
To determine whether you can raise a grievance under any of these causes, we need to see all of the information relating to the dismissal. You mustn't leave anything out!
We need you to collate your information for us to speed up the process. There are some rules (we hate rules, but they need to be set for this!):